Osteria Zaza

50 Top Pizza Europa 2023
Excellent Pizzerias

In una zona residenziale della città questo locale è entrato nel cuore del quartiere per la bella accoglienza e le ricche pizze di stile che guardano allo stile napoletano contemporaneo molto farcite. La sala che si sviluppa per la lunghezza offre una bella vista sui pizzaioli a lavoro. In carta anche tanti primi e secondi piatti italiani. Buoni anche i fritti e i dessert.

Located in a residential area of the city, this establishment has integrated itself into the heart of the district. It is known for its lovely hospitality and stylish, richly topped pizzas that are made in the contemporary Neapolitan style. The dining area is developed along an elongated shape and offers a beautiful view of the pizza chefs hard at work. You will also find a wide selection of Italian pastas and second dishes on the menu. The fried food and desserts are also very good.
sito web: Osteria Zaza
telefono: +41 22 347 31 33

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